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(기독일보) 나라사랑 애국단체연합대회… “대한민국의 자유와 안보 지키자!”
March 21, 2024
자유민주주의 가치 수호와 나라 사랑 정신으로 몸 바쳐 헌신하고 수고하는 애국 보수 단체들이 4·10 총선을 앞두고 21일 서울 용산 국방컨벤션 3층에서 ‘나라사랑 애국단체연합대회’를 성황리에 열었다.
READ MORE(KUAUF) 신간 《타이완 침공》
March 19, 2024
중국 왕이 외교부장이 지난 1월 있었던 타이완 총통 선거에서 반중(反中) 성향의 민진당 라이칭더 후보가 친중(親中) 성향의 국민당 후보를 꺾고 당선된 뒤 밝힌 입장이다. 라이칭더는 현 총통보다 독립 의지가 더 큰 것으로 알려졌고 이에 불만이 큰 중국과의 충돌 가능성이 제기되고 있다.
READ MORE(서울미디어뉴스) 하와이서 이승만 대통령 탄신 149주년 기념행사..."애국하는 마음 모여 자리 마련"
March 26, 2024
대한민국 건국 대통령 이승만 탄신 149주년을 맞아 하와이에 26일 화요일 오전 10시부터 이승만 대통령을 기리기 위한 행사가 행사가 열렸다.
READ MORE(더원방송)[신간] 타이완 침공
March 7, 2024
[서울=OBC더원방송] 중국과 타이완, 나아가 전세계의 자유 진영과 권위주의 진영 사이의 긴장이 고조되고 있는 가운데 KCPAC가 최근 신간 번역서 <타이완 침공>을 출간했습니다.
READ MORE(한국일보) 다큐 ‘건국전쟁’, 버지니아서 상영
March 11, 2024
이승만 초대 한국 대통령의 생애를 다룬 다큐멘터리 영화 ‘건국전쟁’이 버지니아 영화관에서 상영된다.영화는 16일(토)과 17일(일) 양일간 오후 6시 타이슨스 소재 AMC Tysons Corner 16(7850 Tysons Corner Center, McLean, VA 22102)에서 열린다.
READ MOREWho we are
The Korea-US Alliance USA Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2021. Our mission is to strengthen the alliance between the United States and Korea and work towards achieving true peace on the Korean peninsula. We also aim to contribute to the development of the Korean-American community and the strengthening of the Korea-U.S. alliance through our activities in the United States.
Our Mission
The Mission of the Korea-US Alliance USA Foundation (KUAUF) is to strengthen the alliance between the United States and the Republic of Korea, work towards achieving true peace on the Korean peninsula, and defend the two great nations from the influence of communism.
The elements and forces that desire to deteriorate the alliance between the U.S. and South Korea, and to weaken the values of freedom and democracy of the world, are still active and ongoing.
We at KUAUF exist to educate the public and government officials of such dangers by disclosing the strategies and movements spearheaded by the aforementioned elements and forces. At the same time, we aim to cultivate the young generation and future leaders in South Korea and the U.S. to uphold and enhance the alliance between the two great nations in every way possible.
KUAUF firmly believes that the US-Korea alliance is the linchpin for securing stability, peace and prosperity in the East Asia and Indo-Pacific regions and beyond, and we are committed to fulfilling our mission, objectives, and responsibilities through the close cooperation with our partners in both nations.
The Korea-US Alliance USA Foundation is pursuing projects to strengthen the alliance between Korea and the U.S., support Korean-American student education, promote and enhance understanding of Korean culture, and provide advice to U.S. politicians on Korean peninsula security issues. These efforts aim to strengthen the alliance, foster a peaceful environment, and promote Korean culture.
Strengthening Alliance
Contributing to the Enhancement of the ROK-US Alliance through Research and Reporting on the History and Current Status of the Alliance, as well as Political, Economic, and Cultural Issues in the United States and South Korea.
Providing Scholarships and Educational Support Programs to Korean-American Students in the United States and Enhancing Educational Cooperation between South Korea and the United States.
We are launching a project to publish books related to strategies for countering communism, including China and North Korea, as well as books exposing them.
Policy Advisory
We provide information and analysis related to security on the Korean Peninsula, offering advice to policymakers in the United States and South Korea.
Press release
다큐멘터리 <건국전쟁> 미국 상영
한반도평화법안의 위험성